It's your turn!

Whether you drive, roll, walk, or take public transit, we invite you to share your current experiences and future aspirations getting around northeastern Illinois. By answering the following 20+ questions, you will help us plan better transportation options as we work together to develop the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).  

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning is overseeing the development of the 2026 RTP for the region. The RTP serves as the long-term blueprint for our region’s transportation system guiding decision-making and infrastructure investments for the next 20 to 30 years, and is developed in collaboration with local leaders, transportation agencies, community organizations, and the public.

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How satisfied are you with your transportation choices in the community you live in? 

* required
The current transportation system provides convenient access to places I need to go.
Public transit options are accessible and meet my needs.
The cost of public transit is reasonable and affordable for most people in the region.
The transportation system effectively connects my community to key destinations in the region.
I find it easy to transfer between different types of transportation (e.g., bus to train, bike to bus, etc.).
I feel that there are enough transportation options (e.g., biking, walking, public transit) in my area.
I am satisfied with the travel times and convenience of transportation options available to me.
I trust that public transit services are reliable and run on schedule.
I feel safe when using the transportation options available in my community.
There are adequate measures in place to ensure pedestrian and cyclist safety in my area.
I feel that the condition of transportation infrastructure (e.g., roads, bridges, transit stations) is maintained well.
Minimizing environment impacts is a priority in my transportation choices.

Are there any destinations difficult for you to travel to? Please select all that apply. 

* required

Are there transportation options you would like to use more often? Please select all that apply.

* required

If so, what would allow you to use your preferred mode of travel more often? Please select all that apply. 

* required

What are the biggest transportation challenges in the community you live in? Please select all that apply.

* required

Are there specific areas in your community that you feel are underserved by current transportation options? 

* required

Are there any barriers to accessibility you face when using transportation (e.g., accommodations for mobility devices, audio/visual aids, physical barriers, or other accessibility features)?

* required