What is a corridor plan?

    A corridor plan is a plan for the development and management of a specific transportation or development corridor within a region. A corridor plan may include elements such as land use, transportation infrastructure, economic development, placemaking, measures for safe transportation and community engagement. The goal is to create a cohesive vision for a specific area to guide future development and investments in a coordinated way that supports the overall goals of the region. A corridor plan is often developed along a major transportation route like a highway or transit line, or along a commercial stretch with businesses and industries.

    The Franklin Park Grand Ave Plan will explore topics related to safety, transportation and economic development.

    Who is developing the Franklin Park Grand Ave Corridor Plan?

    The Franklin Park Grand Ave Corridor Plan is being developed by the Village of Franklin Park in partnership with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). The plan’s development will also be guided by the project’s Steering Committee, which will be made up of residents and local stakeholders.

    Who is CMAP?

    The agency was established in 2005 with the mission to plan comprehensively for economic prosperity and quality of life.

    CMAP and its partners developed and are now implementing ON TO 2050, a new long-range plan to help the seven counties and 284 communities of northeastern Illinois implement strategies that address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues. To learn more about CMAP, visit www.cmap.illinois.gov.

    How is CMAP involved with this project?

    CMAP fulfills its mission of planning comprehensively for the region by conducting long-range planning (see ON TO 2050) and providing planning services to local governments with decision-making authority, among other activities. In 2010, CMAP started the Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program to provide technical planning assistance to communities. In 2023, the Village of Franklin Park submitted an application to the technical assistance program seeking CMAP’s assistance to develop a corridor plan for Grand Avenue. The project was initiated in September 2023 and CMAP staff will continue to assist the Village of Franklin Park to develop a corridor plan for Grand Avenue.

    How do I get involved?

    There are a few ways to contribute to the plan!

    1. Contribute to our idea board and map.
    2. Subscribe to the project website to stay up to date on what’s happening.
    3. Reach out to us via email if you would like to join the steering committee or ask specific questions.