Harvey Comprehensive Plan

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The City of Harvey has partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to create its first Comprehensive Plan and establish a vision and land use strategy for the City. The forthcoming plan will help residents, business owners, and elected and appointed officials guide future actions, decisions, and development in the community. The project is being led by Houseal Lavigne, a Chicago-based urban planning firm whose expertise will help guide development of the comprehensive plan.

Check back regularly for project updates, events, and opportunities to get involved!

The City of Harvey has partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to create its first Comprehensive Plan and establish a vision and land use strategy for the City. The forthcoming plan will help residents, business owners, and elected and appointed officials guide future actions, decisions, and development in the community. The project is being led by Houseal Lavigne, a Chicago-based urban planning firm whose expertise will help guide development of the comprehensive plan.

Check back regularly for project updates, events, and opportunities to get involved!

  • Project Updates

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    Welcome to the Project Website for the Harvey Comprehensive Plan! This website will be used as a tool for public outreach throughout the planning process. All project news and events will be posted here in the future

Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024, 11:36 AM