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The Harvey Comprehensive Plan Update process is beginning and we need your help! Join the conversation today and get involved in shaping your community’s future. See the attached flyer for more information on how you can get involved.
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What is it?
The City of Harvey is hosting a Community Workshop to introduce the planning process and gain insight about issues and opportunities that must be addressed by the Comprehensive Plan. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think, before plans and recommendations are crafted. Come prepared to:
- Work together to identify planning priorities, issues, and opportunities.
- Build consensus on the projects that will move the needle for Harvey.
- Identify projects and improvements that will be desirable in the future.
The Community Workshop is a key component in developing the Plan and everyone is encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!
Where and When?
Harvey City Hall - 15320 Broadway Ave, Harvey, IL 60426
Thursday, March 30 2023, 7:00 PM

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Welcome to the Project Website for the Harvey Comprehensive Plan! This website will be used as a tool for public outreach throughout the planning process. All project news and events will be posted here in the future