- Establish a shared vision and goals for the study area
- Identify improvement to the transportation network, including pedestrian and bicycle improvements.
- Identify opportunities to attract businesses to road corridors like Pulaski Road, Burnham Avenue, and Wentworth Avenue
- Identify opportunities to improve local flooding and stormwater management
What is a subarea plan?
In general, subarea plans develop goals and provide policy direction in the areas of land use, economic development, housing, mobility, sustainability, and municipal capacity for a limited geographic area within a municipality. This plan will focus on land use, transportation and mobility, economic development, and stormwater management through the lens of ON TO 2050 principles of inclusive growth, resilience, and prioritized investment. It will also focus on equitable engagement and plan implementation.
What are the benefits of creating a Calumet City Subarea Plan?
The Calumet City Subarea Plan will:
Who is creating the Calumet City Subarea Plan?
The plan is being developed by Calumet City in partnership with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. The plan’s development is also guided by the project’s Steering Committee, which is made up of city staff and local stakeholders.
Who is CMAP?
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is the regional planning agency for northeastern Illinois. CMAP serves the Chicago region's seven counties and 284 municipalities.
The agency was established in 2005 with the mission to plan comprehensively for economic prosperity and quality of life.
CMAP and its partners developed and are now implementing ON TO 2050(External link), a new long-range plan to help the seven counties and 284 communities of northeastern Illinois implement strategies that address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues. To learn more about CMAP, visit www.cmap.illinois.gov
When will the plan be completed?
The plan is estimated to be completed in summer 2023.