Franklin Park Grand Avenue Corridor Plan

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The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is partnering with the Village of Franklin Park to create a plan to transform Grand Avenue into a safe, accessible, and thriving corridor. The plan will help residents and elected and appointed officials guide future actions, decisions and development in the community.

The Franklin Park Grand Avenue Corridor Plan will focus on:

  • Enhancing transportation safety and make Grand Avenue safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles alike.
  • Making Grand Avenue pedestrian-friendly through streetscaping and intersection improvements to create a more walkable and enjoyable experience for all.
  • Promoting access to public transit along the Grand Avenue corridor by making it more convenient and seamless to reach bus stops.
  • Making Grand Avenue equally accessible by walking, biking and bus and private transport.
  • Identifying economic development opportunities and strategies to support small businesses and utilize vacant properties.

The study area focuses on Grand Avenue from Mannheim Road to Elm Street within Franklin Park.

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The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is partnering with the Village of Franklin Park to create a plan to transform Grand Avenue into a safe, accessible, and thriving corridor. The plan will help residents and elected and appointed officials guide future actions, decisions and development in the community.

The Franklin Park Grand Avenue Corridor Plan will focus on:

  • Enhancing transportation safety and make Grand Avenue safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles alike.
  • Making Grand Avenue pedestrian-friendly through streetscaping and intersection improvements to create a more walkable and enjoyable experience for all.
  • Promoting access to public transit along the Grand Avenue corridor by making it more convenient and seamless to reach bus stops.
  • Making Grand Avenue equally accessible by walking, biking and bus and private transport.
  • Identifying economic development opportunities and strategies to support small businesses and utilize vacant properties.

The study area focuses on Grand Avenue from Mannheim Road to Elm Street within Franklin Park.

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Tell us where you see issues or opportunities we should address!

about 1 year

Drop a pin on a location within this map to show us where there is a problem to address, a good thing to preserve and enhance, or an opportunity to create something new for Grand Avenue. 

Consider safety, walkability, access to transit, and bikeability. How easy is it to get around by foot, bike, bus, or car? What businesses, stores, or restaurants should be added and where? Do you see speeding, aggressive driving, red light violations, congestion, unsafe crossing, large trucks, etc. on Grand Avenue?

Each pin corresponds to a different category of improvements. Here's how to add your comment:

  • Step 1: Click the plus (+) sign
  • Step 2: Drag pin onto the map
  • Step 3: Add comment / photo

Page last updated: 09 Jan 2025, 11:45 AM