Harvey Comprehensive Plan
The City of Harvey has partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to create its first Comprehensive Plan and establish a vision and land use strategy for the City. The forthcoming plan will help residents, business owners, and elected and appointed officials guide future actions, decisions, and development in the community. The project is being led by Houseal Lavigne, a Chicago-based urban planning firm whose expertise will help guide development of the comprehensive plan.
Check back regularly for project updates, events, and opportunities to get involved!
The City of Harvey has partnered with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to create its first Comprehensive Plan and establish a vision and land use strategy for the City. The forthcoming plan will help residents, business owners, and elected and appointed officials guide future actions, decisions, and development in the community. The project is being led by Houseal Lavigne, a Chicago-based urban planning firm whose expertise will help guide development of the comprehensive plan.
Check back regularly for project updates, events, and opportunities to get involved!
Revised Public Draft
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Based on all the feedback received to date, the public draft of the Harvey Comprehensive Plan is available at the following link: -
Join us at the Community Open House
Share Join us at the Community Open House on Facebook Share Join us at the Community Open House on Twitter Share Join us at the Community Open House on Linkedin Email Join us at the Community Open House linkThe Draft Harvey Comprehensive Plan is now open for public review and comment. This important document outlines the long-term vision for the community, including land use, housing, economic development, transportation, and more.
Your input is critical to the success of this plan. We encourage all Harvey residents, businesses, and stakeholders to review the draft and share your thoughts.
Join us at an Open House to learn more in a drop-in/stop-by format, and provide feedback:
- When: Thursday, November 14, at 6:30 PM
- Where: Harvey City Hall, 15320 Broadway Ave, Harvey, IL 60426
The public draft of the plan, and an online comment box, can be found by clicking here.
Draft Comprehensive Plan - now available for review and comment
Share Draft Comprehensive Plan - now available for review and comment on Facebook Share Draft Comprehensive Plan - now available for review and comment on Twitter Share Draft Comprehensive Plan - now available for review and comment on Linkedin Email Draft Comprehensive Plan - now available for review and comment linkThe project team is excited to present the public review draft of the City's new Comprehensive Plan! Please use the following link to review and download a PDF copy: Harvey IL-DRAFT Comprehensive Plan 9-18-2024
Comments? Use the online comment box at this link to leave as many as you like, the project team will track and review these.
Watch this space for updates on the community public open house. Thank you! -
Senior Bingo was a Success!
Share Senior Bingo was a Success! on Facebook Share Senior Bingo was a Success! on Twitter Share Senior Bingo was a Success! on Linkedin Email Senior Bingo was a Success! linkThe project team was able to engage with nearly 60 attendees at the City of Harvey's Senior Bingo event. Houseal Lavigne gave a brief introduction to the Comprehensive Plan project and set up a table with draft plan information and QR code handouts, and a post-it board exercise to seek feedback on the following prompt - "The future of Harvey would be better if we..."
- Several attendees scanned the QR code to access the project website and survey.
- Four attendees reviewed the key recommendations memo and ECM, providing positive feedback on the content.
- Fifteen participants shared their visionary statements on the post-it board for Harvey's future on the "Future of Harvey" board.
The following post-it comments were left on the board (some with minor edits):
- (Attract) small businesses
- Grass needs cutting
- Fill potholes
- Fix 150th Street
- Stop littering
- Street sweeping service
- (Tear down the vacant) Wood St. houses
- Houses for younger homeowners
- Repair roads
- Need more big-name food stores
- Metra Station needs more lighting, parking, security
- New street pavement
- Too many potholes
- Fix street pavement on 160th/Marshfield near Canal - urgent?
- Funding for senior activities
- We need bike trails - north-south, east-west
Overall, the pop-up table at the Senior Bingo event was a successful outreach effort that established valuable connections with Harvey residents, gathered valuable feedback, and promoted resident participation in shaping the community's future.
Community Visioning Questionnaire (Survey #2)
Share Community Visioning Questionnaire (Survey #2) on Facebook Share Community Visioning Questionnaire (Survey #2) on Twitter Share Community Visioning Questionnaire (Survey #2) on Linkedin Email Community Visioning Questionnaire (Survey #2) linkContinue to participate in the planning process by completing this Visioning Questionnaire, designed to gather feedback on the draft Vision and Goals for the project.
Please use this link to access the Community Visioning Questionnaire.
Comprehensive Plan - coming to Senior Bingo!
Share Comprehensive Plan - coming to Senior Bingo! on Facebook Share Comprehensive Plan - coming to Senior Bingo! on Twitter Share Comprehensive Plan - coming to Senior Bingo! on Linkedin Email Comprehensive Plan - coming to Senior Bingo! linkJoin us at Senior Bingo! All seniors are welcome.
What is it?
The Comprehensive Plan project team will be attending Senior Bingo at 12pm on Thursday, May 16 at City Hall. We will have a table of Comprehensive Plan materials for review, and post-it board so participants can leave feedback on the project so far.
Come out, enjoy some Bingo, and learn more about the planning process -- we hope to see you there!
Where and When?
Harvey City Hall - 15320 Broadway Ave, Harvey, IL 60426
Thursday, May 16, 12:00 P.M
For information regarding the Bingo portion of the event, please contact Senior Services at 708-210-5328
Key Recommendations: Draft Vision, Goals, and Future Land Use
Share Key Recommendations: Draft Vision, Goals, and Future Land Use on Facebook Share Key Recommendations: Draft Vision, Goals, and Future Land Use on Twitter Share Key Recommendations: Draft Vision, Goals, and Future Land Use on Linkedin Email Key Recommendations: Draft Vision, Goals, and Future Land Use linkThe Project Team is currently working to develop the draft Harvey Comprehensive Plan. Plan development is guided by the outreach process, existing conditions analysis, and community visioning to ensure the draft Plan is reflective of the issues and opportunities facing Harvey.
CLICK HERE to view the DRAFT Key Recommendations Memorandum.
Thank You for Attending the Workshop!
Share Thank You for Attending the Workshop! on Facebook Share Thank You for Attending the Workshop! on Twitter Share Thank You for Attending the Workshop! on Linkedin Email Thank You for Attending the Workshop! linkThank you to all who attended the Community Visioning Workshop, held November 3 at Harvey City Hall. There was a great turnout and it was wonderful to see and hear the different visions for Harvey's future!
LINK: Click for a summary of the workshop.
LINK: Click to download your own copy of the workshop map here.
Visioning Workshop - Join us on November 2!
Share Visioning Workshop - Join us on November 2! on Facebook Share Visioning Workshop - Join us on November 2! on Twitter Share Visioning Workshop - Join us on November 2! on Linkedin Email Visioning Workshop - Join us on November 2! linkJoin us at the Harvey Comprehensive Plan Community Visioning Workshop!
What is it?
The City is hosting a Community Visioning Workshop to introduce the planning process and to gain insight into the community’s vision for Harvey's future. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think! Come prepared to:
- Work with small breakout groups on a mapping exercise, putting pen to paper to develop your vision for the future of Harvey.
- Build consensus on the long-term character of Harvey.
- Identify projects and improvements that will be desirable in the future.
The Community Visioning Workshop is a key component in developing the plan and everyone is encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!
Where and When?
Harvey City Hall - 15320 Broadway Ave, Harvey, IL 60426
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023, 7:00 P.M
Review the Existing Conditions Memorandum
Share Review the Existing Conditions Memorandum on Facebook Share Review the Existing Conditions Memorandum on Twitter Share Review the Existing Conditions Memorandum on Linkedin Email Review the Existing Conditions Memorandum linkThe Existing Conditions Memorandum answers the question “Where is Harvey today? It is a summary of key data points prior to development of the City’s new Comprehensive Plan. As an interim deliverable, it is directed toward City staff and the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, but is also available to elected and appointed officials, residents, and community stakeholders.
The memorandum is the culmination of in-person community outreach, field reconnaissance, research, and a review of data provided by the City and partner organizations and entities.
Project Timeline
Phase 1 - Getting to Know the Community
Harvey Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageThe first phase will create an information base to understand the existing conditions of the City of Harvey and include interviews and meetings with residents and stakeholders.
Phase 2 - Visioning
Harvey Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageIn the second phase, with the help of the residents, we will form the planning vision and goals to help guide the future of the Harvey community.
Phase 3 - Key Recommendations
Harvey Comprehensive Plan has finished this stageThe third phase will establish strategies and recommendations for future land use and development policy.
Phase 4 - Plan Development and Implementation
Harvey Comprehensive Plan is currently at this stagePhase four will result in the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan and implementation strategies that support the vision and goals of the City.
Who's Listening
Email mdang@cmap.illinois.gov -
Email jkoonce@hlplanning.com