Senior Bingo was a Success!
The project team was able to engage with nearly 60 attendees at the City of Harvey's Senior Bingo event. Houseal Lavigne gave a brief introduction to the Comprehensive Plan project and set up a table with draft plan information and QR code handouts, and a post-it board exercise to seek feedback on the following prompt - "The future of Harvey would be better if we..."
- Several attendees scanned the QR code to access the project website and survey.
- Four attendees reviewed the key recommendations memo and ECM, providing positive feedback on the content.
- Fifteen participants shared their visionary statements on the post-it board for Harvey's future on the "Future of Harvey" board.
The following post-it comments were left on the board (some with minor edits):
- (Attract) small businesses
- Grass needs cutting
- Fill potholes
- Fix 150th Street
- Stop littering
- Street sweeping service
- (Tear down the vacant) Wood St. houses
- Houses for younger homeowners
- Repair roads
- Need more big-name food stores
- Metra Station needs more lighting, parking, security
- New street pavement
- Too many potholes
- Fix street pavement on 160th/Marshfield near Canal - urgent?
- Funding for senior activities
- We need bike trails - north-south, east-west
Overall, the pop-up table at the Senior Bingo event was a successful outreach effort that established valuable connections with Harvey residents, gathered valuable feedback, and promoted resident participation in shaping the community's future.
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