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Czy chcesz pomóc w kształtowaniu przyszłości ulicy Grand Avenue? Jeśli tak, prosimy o wypełnienie tej ankiety – pomoże nam to poznać Twoje preferencje dotyczące wyglądu, charakteru i funkcji ulicy Grand Avenue oraz przyległych terenów miejscowości Franklin Park. Wyniki tej ankiety zostaną wykorzystane przy opracowywaniu planu przekształcenia korytarza ulicy Grand Avenue tak, aby spełniał on oczekiwania mieszkańców Franklin Park.

Mamy nadzieję, że uzyskamy informacje zwrotne nie tylko w odniesieniu do ulicy Grand Avenue, ale również przyległych terenów – w związku z tym część zdjęć może dotyczyć pobliskich ulic i miejsc. Wypełnienie ankiety powinno zająć około 20 minut.

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Budynki usługowe

Określ swój stosunek do poniższych przykładów budynków użytkowych.


A picture of a book store with a black awning in a 2 story, brick building. The building is part of a dense suburban corridor. There is a sidewalk and small tree in front of the bookstore. The bookstore has large glass windows, and it is right up against the sidewalk, which is made of gray pavers.

Budynki usługowe z witrynami w zabudowie szeregowej 

Źródło: CMAP

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A photo of a gray, suburban fast casual restaurant. There is surface parking in front of it with 3 cars.Średniej wielkości budynek usługowy 

Źródło: CMAP

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An image of 3 storefronts in a low density urban environment. The buildings are 2 stories high. Behind the buildings, there are taller residential buildings. The awnings for the storefronts are colorful. There is limited outdoor seating and a street tree in front of the stores. There is street parking in front of the stores.Budynek usługowy z witryną 

Źródło: Loopnet

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An image of a strip mall with a surface parking lot. There are several tenants in the strip mall, including a beauty supply store. The strip mall is tan and has pillars with brick trim at the bottomGaleria handlowa z wieloma sklepami 

Źródło: Chicagoland Commercial Real Estate

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A larger retail establishment housing a TJ Maxx. The building is brown and tan and has a tin roof. There is a full parking lot in front of the building with plants in the medians and tall streetlightsDuże centrum handlowe 

Źródło: CMAP

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A slightly denser multi-tenant strip mall. The brick and glass building is 2 stories, and there are a few parking spots facing the storefronts. There is a Mexican restaurant and an H&R block in the 2 story building

Galeria handlowa z wieloma sklepami 

Źródło: Yelp

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An image of a drive through Starbucks coffee. The building is tan, and there are parking spots, green medians, and trees surrounding the building

Niewielki obiekt obsługujący zmotoryzowanych 

Źródło: Starbucks Everywhere

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Budynki biurowe / przemysłu lekkiego

Określ swój stosunek do poniższych przykładów budynków biurowych lub budynków przemysłu lekkiego.


A modern office building with gray vertical siding and large windows. There is lawn grass and shrubbery in front of the building.

Nowoczesny biurowiec w parku przemysłowym 

Źródło: CMAP

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A large, brick and glass building with a "ComEd" sign in front. There is extensive landscaping around the border of the building, including small trees and bushes. There is a sidewalk on the other side of the landscaping. There is a person walking away from the camera in the distance

Nowoczesny biurowiec jako część budynku magazynowego 

Źródło: CMAP

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A 2 story brick office building. There is lawn grass and landscaping in the front of the building. There are 3 accessible parking spots facing the building.


Źródło: KTGY architects

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A large office building with large windows and a concrete facade. There are 2 thin planting strip with flowers, grass, and a tree in front of the building. There is a sidewalk in between these planting strips. The building has a small glass awning.

Budynek biurowy 

Źródło: Stirling Properties

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A building with a gray tin roof and lumber siding with a big barn door. There is a ramp leading up to a covered patio with tables in front. There are string lights hanging over the tables. There are 4 parking spots facing the front of the building.

Budynek przemysłu lekkiego z częścią publiczną 

Źródło: Barn Light Electric

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A large, tan 2 story building used for warehousing and distribution. There is parking in front of the building, and grass and a small red tree in the foreground

Centrum dystrybucyjne / magazynowe

Źródło: The Business Journals

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Budynki mieszkalne

Określ swój stosunek do poniższych przykładów budynków mieszkalnych.


A series of townhouses with brick, green, and tan facade elements. The townhouses have shingled roofs. There are awnings with pillars hanging over the front doors. There is a path to each door, and front yards with lawn grass, small trees, and bushes. There is a road in the foreground of the photo.

Trzykondygnacyjne kamienice z ukształtowaną zielenią i parkingiem na tyłach 

Źródło: CMAP

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A 4 story, modern apartment building with brick and colorful teal and orange siding. There are lawn grass and small trees around the building.

Budynek wielorodzinny w zabudowie zagęszczonej, z parkingiem w garażu

Źródło: CMAP

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A 3 story apartment building with shared, long decks and big glass sliding doors. There are small trees and lawn grass around the building. There is parking in the foreground of the photo.

Trzykondygnacyjny budynek wielorodzinny z przestrzenią wspólną i parkingiem na tyłach 

Źródło: River Grove Station Apartments

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A three story apartment building with a brick first story and blue and white siding on upper floors. The buildings have shingled roofs and decks with white guardrails. There are thin planting strips on the perimeter of the building, a sidewalk, and parking facing the apartments. There is another apartment building front of the main building, and the buildings are separated by a sidewalk and lawn grass.

Budynek wielorodzinny w zabudowie średnio zagęszczonej, z parkingiem z przodu 

Źródło: CoStar

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A 6 story building on a street corner. The ground floor has large windows, and the upper floors are brick. The top floor has tan siding. There are parking spots in the foreground of the building

Budynek wielorodzinny w zabudowie zagęszczonej, z usługami na parterze i parkingiem na tyłach 

Źródło: Premier Luxury Apartments

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A 2 story corner building with a Talbots store on the first floor and apartments on the top floor. The store has red awnings. There is a sidewalk in front of the store. There are decorative plants and street lights with wayfinding banners on them on the sidewalk.

Budynek wielorodzinny w luźnej zabudowie, z usługami na parterze i parkingiem na ulicy 

Źródło: Peter French, Flickr

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A large, 7 story building with stacked heights. The first two stories house a store and parking. There are apartments stacked on the back portion of the building. There is street parking and wide sidewalks by the building. There is a series of small trees on the sidewalk next to the street.

Budynek wielorodzinny w zabudowie zagęszczonej, z usługami na parterze i parkingiem w garażu 

Źródło: LoopNet

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A large, 3 story brick building with multiple smaller format tenants. There is a Starbucks on the corner with green awnings. There is street parking and small street trees in front of the building

Budynek wielorodzinny w zabudowie luźnej, z usługami na parterze i parkingiem na tyłach 

Źródło: Norwood Builders

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A series of brick townhouses set back from the sidewalk. There is a driveway in the foreground, and the front yards have lawn grass and small trees and bushes

Niskie kamienice z ukształtowaną zielenią i parkingiem na tyłach 

Źródło: CMAP

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