Common questions
Why is CMAP leading the creation of a transportation plan?
As a federally recognized Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), CMAP is required to develop a transportation plan every four years. The plan must identify regional transportation goals, objectives, strategies, and investment priorities that guide decision making and funding allocation within the region.
How does the RTP relate to the region’s current comprehensive plan, ON TO 2050?
The RTP will build on the principles and goals identified in ON TO 2050. The RTP will primarily focus on updating the transportation components of the plan.
How will the RTP be developed?
Over a multiyear period, CMAP staff will help develop the RTP through comprehensive research, data analysis, policy development, stakeholder coordination, and public outreach. The plan will identify goals and objectives for the regional transportation system, as well as strategies to help achieve them.
Who approves the RTP?
CMAP’s Board and MPO Policy Committee are the primary approvers of the RTP, which is due for adoption by October 2026.
What happens once we’ve got a regional transportation plan?
Local governments, transit agencies, and the Illinois Department of Transportation will work together with CMAP to fund, design, and execute transportation projects aligned with the RTP.