2026 Regional Transportation Plan

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Young child wearing sunglasses with the image of a Metra train reflected on the lenses. Text in graphic reads 'take 10 minutes to shape the next 10 to 30 years'

Help shape the future of transportation in northeastern Illinois! Share your experiences and aspirations by taking our ten-minute questionnaire and contribute to the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan — your input will guide decisions that impact the next 20 to 30 years.

También está disponible una versión en español de la encuesta RTP.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is guiding the development of the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for northeastern Illinois. The RTP serves as the long-term blueprint for our region’s transportation system guiding decision-making and infrastructure investments for the next two decades.

The RTP is developed in collaboration with local leaders, transportation agencies, community organizations, and people who live, work, and travel in northeastern Illinois! It is informed by research, technical analysis, policy development, and community outreach.

We need your input to answer three key questions:

  • What is the transportation system the region wants?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities to get there?
  • And how will the region implement the system it wants?

The plan will shape how the region will manage, operate, fund, and achieve goals for our transportation system — including public transit, highway, freight, bicycle, pedestrian, and accessible transportation.

The RTP’s approval is targeted for fall 2026.

Young child wearing sunglasses with the image of a Metra train reflected on the lenses. Text in graphic reads 'take 10 minutes to shape the next 10 to 30 years'

Help shape the future of transportation in northeastern Illinois! Share your experiences and aspirations by taking our ten-minute questionnaire and contribute to the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan — your input will guide decisions that impact the next 20 to 30 years.

También está disponible una versión en español de la encuesta RTP.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is guiding the development of the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for northeastern Illinois. The RTP serves as the long-term blueprint for our region’s transportation system guiding decision-making and infrastructure investments for the next two decades.

The RTP is developed in collaboration with local leaders, transportation agencies, community organizations, and people who live, work, and travel in northeastern Illinois! It is informed by research, technical analysis, policy development, and community outreach.

We need your input to answer three key questions:

  • What is the transportation system the region wants?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities to get there?
  • And how will the region implement the system it wants?

The plan will shape how the region will manage, operate, fund, and achieve goals for our transportation system — including public transit, highway, freight, bicycle, pedestrian, and accessible transportation.

The RTP’s approval is targeted for fall 2026.

  • Whether you drive, roll, walk, or take public transit, we invite you to share your current experiences and future aspirations getting around northeastern Illinois. By answering the following 20+ questions, you will help us plan better transportation options as we work together to develop the 2026 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).  

    The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning is overseeing the development of the 2026 RTP for the region. The RTP serves as the long-term blueprint for our region’s transportation system guiding decision-making and infrastructure investments for the next 20 to 30 years, and is developed in collaboration with local leaders, transportation agencies, community organizations, and the public.

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  • ¡Es tu turno! Ya sea que conduzcas, andes en bicicleta, camines o uses el transporte público, lo/la invitamos a compartir tus experiencias actuales y aspiraciones futuras para desplazarte por el noreste de Illinois. Al responder las siguientes 20+ preguntas, nos ayudarás a planificar mejores opciones de transporte mientras trabajamos juntos/as para desarrollar el Plan de Transporte Regional (RTP, por sus siglas en inglés) 2026. 

    La Agencia Metropolitana de Planificación de Chicago está supervisando el desarrollo del RTP 2026 para la región. El RTP sirve como modelo a largo plazo para el sistema de transporte de nuestra región, guía la toma de decisiones y las inversiones en infraestructura para los próximos 20 a 30 años, y se desarrolla en colaboración con líderes locales, agencias de transporte, organizaciones comunitarias y el público.

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Page last updated: 13 Mar 2025, 10:11 AM